Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Real Mother ~~~~~

Do we really believe in Republic Day. Are we really republic, secular etc etc...
I feel 90% of the population which celebrates the R day does not even know for what they are having the celebration. The rest 10% who actually knows the meaning of R Day now believe that its just a reason to be with our families and to get acquainted with new friends around us.

I think we need to change the personification of this theme. Theme which has been set by our leaders, seniors and also it wont be harsh to say also our family members.Todays generation lacks the passion with in them selves. Passion to go miles, passion to do something which is unseen or which no body has ever tried.In the past India was blessed with some great leaders who often mis judged by the mob or common people. Ok coming back to the todays gen X. For them i remember a small chat which happened between then Prime Minister Mr.Nehru, Indian Ambassador Mr. T.N.Kaul and Parikshet Sahni,son of Bollywood Star Mr. Balraj Sahni.

It was Nehru's last official visit to Moscow and as parikshet was studying there and was knowing Mr. Kaul through his farther so he asked Mr. Kaul that can he meet M. Nehru.Mr.Kaul agreed on that. later on when three of them met, Mr. Nehru asked the kid(parikshet), what i intended to do on returning to India after completing the studies. Sid blurted out that he is not going back as he wants to settle in Finland, or Scandinavia or sweden may be. Nehru looked surprised and then pained. he looked at Kaul and lost his temper. His voice rose as he told the ambassador(kaul):"Ehy did we go back to India from England, Kaulsaheb? We could have stayed on there. practiced in england.! Why did we have to come back to India and face lathicharges ?"...

Suddenly, Nehru was gentle. He smiled and said:" India is your mother, son!. If you stay in Finland or in Sweden , you will have pretty and rich mother. but she will be your step mother. Your real mother is in India. Even if old, weak and poor, a mother is a mother. She needs her children when old and sick." Nehru looked at his watch and left abruptly.
After that the little kiddo decided to go back to India.

So guyz the moral of the story remains in the fact that we should have the passion, zeal to do things. We should see things in this manner. Always strive for the best and always LOVE YOUR MORTHER.

Ashish Kaul